
Aging and Loss book cover

2014, Rutgers University Press (paper, ebook, pdf)

Aging and Loss: Mourning and Maturity in Contemporary Japan

How do cultural narratives of personhood, emboided in ritual practices, shape Japanese people’s experiences of grief, and how might this open spaces for agency and creativity when it comes to growing older? Can embracing loss help older people to transcend fears and imagine worlds otherwise?

2022, Cornell University Press (hard, paper, ebook)

Fragile Resonance: Caring for Older Family Members in Japan and England

In aging societies like Japan and England, the reliance on unpaid labor of family carers (usually women), has been intensified by the retraction of the welfare state and the exploitation of paid carers. This book asks us to consider the value of care and caring, as a transformative experience crucial for our future.

book cover for Unsettled Futures

2024, Vanderbilt Univ. Press (hard, paper, ebook, pdf)

Unsettled Futures: Carceral Circuits and Old Age in Japan

Japan’s older adults are increasingly isolated, impoverished and criminalized. The book examines the lives of formerly incarcerated older adults as they face the challenge of ‘resettlement’ under conditions of stigma and marginalization. Why do they become trapped in carceral circuits, and how are third-sector organizations trying to provide alternatives?


Danely, Jason. 2023. In the shadows of gratitude: Mooded spaces of vulnerability and care. Ethos.

Danely, Jason. 2019. The Limits of Dwelling and the Unwitnessed Death. Cultural Anthropology 34(2): 213-239.

Pickard, Susan. Cluley, Victoria, Danely Jason, Laceulle Hanne, Leon-Salas J, Vanhoutte Bram, Romero-Ortuno Roman. 2019. New Horizons in Frailty: the contingent, the existential and the clinical. Age and Ageing. 48(8):466-471.

Danely, Jason. 2017. “Carer Narratives of Fatigue and Endurance in Japan and England.” Subjectivity 10 (4): 411–26.

Danely, Jason. 2017. “A Watchful Presence: Aesthetics of Well-Being in a Japanese Pilgrimage.Ethnos 82 (1): 165–92.

Danely, Jason. 2016. “Learning Compassion: Everyday Ethics among Japanese Carers.” Inochi no Mirai 1: 170-192. [open access]

Danely, Jason. 2016. “Hope in an Ageing Japan: Transience and Transcendence.” Contemporary Japan 28 (1):13–31.

Danely, Jason. 2016. “Affect, Infrastructure, and Vulnerability: Making and Breaking Japanese Eldercare” Medicine Anthropology Theory 3 (1). [open access]

Danely, Jason. 2012. Repetition and the Symbolic in Contemporary Japanese Ancestor Memorial Ritual. Journal of Ritual Studies 26(1): 19-32.

Danely, Jason. 2010. “Art, Aging, and Abandonment in Japan.” Journal of Aging, Humanities, and the Arts 4:4–17.

Book Chapters

Danely, Jason. 2024. ‘Kinship in the Carceral: Aging and Aspiration in Tokyo’, in Difficult Attachments: Anxieties of Kinship and Care. Edited by Kathryn E. Goldfarb and Sandra Bamford. Rutgers University Press.

Danely, Jason, Mann, Natalie & Reeves, Carla. 2021. イングランド及びウェールズの高齢受刑者人口の傾向ー日本との国際比較 [Trends in the elderly prison population in England and Wales: A cross-national comparison with Japan] In 高齢者犯罪の総合的研究―社会保障、雇用、家族、高齢化を視野に比較文化的に考察する[Research on Elder Crime: Cultural comparative investigation from the fields of social security, employment, family, and aging] Hosoi Yoko and Tatsuno Bunri, eds. Kazama Shobo. (Routledge English edition here)

Danely, Jason. 2018. ‘Enlivening everyday spaces and playing with perspective: Imagining a bus stop as an intergenerational contact zone.’ In Intergenerational Contact Zones: Place-Based Tools and Tactics for Promoting Social Inclusion and Belonging. Matthew Kaplan, Mariano Sanchez, Leng Leng Thang, Jaco Hoffman, eds. Routledge.

Danely, J. 2018. “‘I don’t want to live too long!’: Successful ageing and the failure of longevity in Japan” In Interrogating the Neoliberal Lifecycle: The Limits of Success. Beverly Clack & Michele Paule eds. Palgrave MacMillan.

Danely, J. 2018. "Mourning as Mutuality" In A Companion to the Anthropology of Death Antonius C. G. M. Robben, ed. Wiley Blackwell.

Danely, J. 2018. 30-Second Anthropology, Simon Underdown, ed. Ivy Press. Chapters include Linguistics, Language, Symbols, Ritual and Ceremony, Art & Artefact, Why do we care?, Profile: Margaret Mead, Profile Clifford Geertz, Profile: Paul Farmer.

Danely, J. 2017. “Foolish Vitality": Humor, Risk and Success in Japan. In Successful Aging?: Global Perspectives on a Contemporary Obsession. Sarah Lamb, ed. Pp.154-167. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

Danely, J. 2016. Aging and Subjectivity: Ethnography, Experience, and Cultural Context. In Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives in Social Gerontology. Tannistha Samanta, ed. Pp. 69-83. Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Danely, J. 2012. “Encounters with Jizō-san in an Aging Japan,” In Studying Buddhism in Practice, edited by John Harding, Studying Religions in Practice (series) General Editor Hillary Rodrigues. Pp. 118-129. Routledge.